Gifted Care - Specialist Healthcare Provider in Dudley
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Your Specialist Healthcare Provider

A nurse and an elderly client
A comitted team with a goal of comprehending and accommodating the various needs of our clientele. Our employees are devoted to providing the best possible care.
To ensure that our clients' health and safety come first, we adhere to strict health and safety guidelines. We customize the service we provide to you using a person-centered approach.
From the convenience of your home, our services are customized to match your needs. We collaborate with you to develop the best care plan for your needs. One of our numerous goals is continuous improvement in order to promote independence.

    What makes Gifted Care so special?

  • We have a set of sound principles that defines the way our services are ran
  • Central to these is our belief that the rights of service users are paramount and their wishes and aspirations should inform and shape service delivery
  • We believe in ’treating others, the same as one would like to be treated
  • We fully recognise that all service users have potential to control the services they receive
  • Ensuring the highest standard of service delivery via a highly skilled and dedicated staff team

Tailored Care

Person Centered Care

At Gifted Care & Support, we aim to offer our clients care support services according to individual care plan. Equipping them with the knowledge, skills and support required to live independently. Supporting clients to take control of their lives with our person-centred support services approach, thereby enabling them to feel more fulfilled in life.

To focus on service users personal aspirations, we aim to provide care and support in ways which have positive outcomes for service users and promote their active participation.

Who we support

We support persons with:

Learning Disabilities

"A learning disability is different for everyone. The degree of disability can vary greatly, being classified as mild, moderate, severe or profound. In all cases, a learning disability is a lifelong condition and cannot be cured"


Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurological and developmental disorder that affects how people interact with others, communicate, learn, and behave. Although autism can be diagnosed at any age, it is described as a “developmental disorder” because symptoms generally appear in the first 2 years of life

Challenging Behaviours

Behaviour is challenging if it is harmful to the person and others around them, and if it stops the person achieving things in their daily life, such as making friends or concentrating at school.

Mental health

Mental health is a state of mental well-being that enables people to cope with the stresses of life, realize their abilities, learn well and work well, and contribute to their community. It is an integral component of health and well-being that underpins our individual and collective abilities to make decisions, build relationships and shape the world we live in

Other complex needs

Complex needs refer to a situation where an individual is grappling with multiple, interconnected challenges that significantly affect their overall well-being and societal functionality. For instance, such an individual could be living with an intellectual disability, acquired brain injury, or physical disability

Support we offer

Domiciliary Care

Professionals who provide live-in or daily visits to enable people to maintain their independence in their homes are referred to as domiciliary carers, home carers, or private carers. Their primary responsibilities include helping with medication, housework, and other duties that support maintaining one's quality of life.

It is provided to people who require extra assistance with personal care, domestic chores, or any other activity that keeps them independent and able to maintain their quality of life.

Where to find us